Wednesday 6 January 2021


FAUG vs PUBG: It is as if the world has come to a stop. PUBG ban has had an affect on the Indian eSports community. FAUG’s release date, though exciting, has not been able to give any kind of relief to the pro players after the trailer release. In the waking hours, the Indian audience still watches PUBG mobile stream and at night the dreams of getting their favourite game haunts them.

From amateur players to pro athletes, all of them have had their stances regarding FAUG’s release date and the trailer it comes with. Now, a regular feature in many eSports stories, Almaaz Rahman, a young eSports athlete for ESN says he thinks the music and the trailer is good but raises the question that whether or not the game is enough to reach the competitive level. He attributes it to the kind of gaming culture that prevails in India. “People love PUBG, and if the game makes a comeback, everything else would be just on the side.”

The answer would perhaps lie in creating an ecosystem around the game– the fanbase and not reply on the pre-registration that is made for a game. Even Gourav Joshi, a well-known name in the PUBG Mobile community says “I will only play FAUG because it’s made in India game, but I am not really looking to get into the game since my interest doesn’t lie in the action game format.”

“I prefer playing MOBA genre or battle royale format that is more engaging. I don’t know what FAUG could offer,” he added.

Well, that is perhaps the thing about gamers in India, they want to experiment but know what could or couldn’t work for them. Almaaz talks about an already created ecosystem and a strong knit PUBG Mobile community in India. It might just be a boon or bane for streamers and players who want to move away from the game. Orange Rock star, Daljit took to Instagram stories to articulate this very point. “I like playing Valorant and I don’t mind if my watching is 20, 10 or 0. I won’t play PUBG KR version because I find it boring.”

He also added that he might return to the game when Indian version comes back. An ecosystem of a game so loved by a country is hard to penetrate into. And if FAUG is able to do that, it might just get the love from the audience it is trying to tap into.

The Bollywood Trailer

Dissecting the trailer, it looks nothing less than that of a Bollywood’s movie– barring the graphics that look like the backyard project of a 90s kid. Just a step away from Commander Keen’s graphics and miles away from even Halo 1 that most of us played back in 2008, the game seems to have relied a lot on its theme to keep it afloat, eventually. And they might just be right; the Indian players and audience are highly patriotic, and tapping into that emotion is a clear ka-ching!! Then is the game anthem, clearly out of a Bollywood fight scene, it amazes the first time listener who is so used to hearing music and not lyrics that they

Even when I finally play FAUG, I might just play it for fun, because it’s a new genre of gaming for Indian. I highly doubt a story mode/action game could reach a competitive level,” he adds. This doubt is what prevails in every eSports athletes’ mind. The backdrop of the game is set in Galwan Valley where essentially no guns are allowed. According to the agreement on border disputes and maintenance of peace until the final resolution, 1933, which External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar referred to, restrains India and China from using arms– a flaw is most prominently seen in the game– the soldiers were using arms to fire at the opposite troops.

Technicalities can often be overlooked when you’re making a video game to please the masses. To what extent?

FAUG vs PUBG: The future relies on PUBG’s comeback!

As popular as PUBG is in India, even after the ban and many streamers stepping away from playing PUBG KR version, PUBG’s popularity isn’t fading away. Fiascos round whether the KR version is legal to play in India or not have also been brought up, and so is an RTI asking answers about the legalities of the same have also been filed– all to see if the game can be played. The Indian players really love the game.

From a standpoint of patriotism, many pro athletes would take up FAUG, but who would stay for the second or the third or the seasons that follow is a question nCore and the ambassadors of the game need.

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We want you to listen carefully to the greatest story every recorded. It is not a fairy tale or a fable, for the story of Jesus has been documented by not only reliable New Testament writers but by major historians as well. It is a story that can be exciting to you and might possibly change your life. Jesus was born in the year 4 B.C., in the city of David, Bethlehem. He was born of the virgin Mary, fathered in her by the Holy Spirit of God. Angels announced to the world in beautiful song, glory to God in the highest and on earth peace among men with whom He is well pleased. One angel in particular announced to them, "Behold I bring you good news of great joy, for to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior who is Christ the Lord." Thus the shepherds were invited to pay homage to the new King. Wise men were called from afar by the shining of a glorious star. Later old Simeon and old Anna saw their life's ambition come to pass as they viewed the new child, the Savior, as God had promised them they would before they died. Jesus was raised in the small rural town of Nazareth, where His adoptive father, Joseph, taught him to use the tools of a carpenter. It was hard work, work requiring much manual labor, skill, an eye for construction and body that could bear up to hours of sweating in the hot sun. It produced hands made coarse from touching rough wood. For many years Jesus worked in the trade of being a carpenter. At the age of 30 Jesus sought out John the Baptist, at first John refused to baptize Jesus saying, that he felt unworthy to touch even the sandals of the Son of God. As Jesus was coming up from the waters of Jordan, a voice spoke from Heaven, "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased." Jesus went into the wilderness, to allow Satan to tempt Him just as Satan tempts us today. For forty days Jesus fasted and then beat down the foe, Satan, with his powerful knowledge of God's will. As He came down from the hills, He was filled with the Holy Spirit, and he walked, talked, and lived among men for three years. John wrote in his gospel (20:30) "Now Jesus did many other signs ill the presence of the disciples which are not recorded in this book. But these were written so that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name." And John recorded that Jesus raised the dead to live again, made the blind to see, made the lame to walk, cast out demons, made food for five thousand from a few loaves of bread and a few fish, stilled the seas during a storm, and walked upon water. Yet even these displays of power did not convince the Jews to whom God sent the Son as a Savior and King. Instead they sought to kill Him. On a Thursday night, Jesus met with his apostles, in the city of Jerusalem, to take the Passover meal with them. It was here on a solemn occasion, that Jesus told them He must soon die. That it was God's will that He give His life for His friends. He drank wine and broke bread with them, and told them, to remember Him when they did this from that time forward, to be reminded of His death and His promise to come again to take His own to a place He was going to prepare for them. Later that night He spent time in the garden of Gethsemane to pray with and seek comfort from the company of His Father. His prayer was ended by the clamor of swords and the shouts of angry men sent to arrest Him. Around midnight Jesus was arrested and sent to trial. On tramped up charges, the Jewish authorities tried the Lord in an illegal, night-time trial. They had Him beaten, spit upon, slapped, and humiliated Him. That was not enough, they wanted Him to die. In the early morning they carried Jesus to the Governor of Judea, Pontus Pilate. After hearing His case, Pilate could find no charge against Jesus, but the authorities of the Jews demanded the death of the man of Nazareth. Pilate had Him scourged, stripped, mocked, hoping that would appease the crowd, finally sending Him to Herod, where again He was beaten, and shamed. But, at last Pilate had to give in to the cry of the crowd, "Crucify Him, Crucify Him." Sometime that Friday morning, Jesus was placed on a wooden cross and knees were sunk into Him arms, a cold nail was placed on his wrist and driven with force through skin and muscle, pinning Him to the cross. It was not those nails that held Him to the cross, nor was it the fear of the Roman swords, but it was His love for you and me. Hours of agony, unable to breath, pain that was unbearable, body moisture drained, taunts and jeers from the crowd, and worse, He became sin for you and I and His Father in Heaven forsook Him. Jesus died, yet in dying His power was proclaimed, the skies darkened and the dead walked, an earthquake split the temple and shook Jerusalem. They buried Him before 6:00 that Friday and laid Him in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea, the Jews insisted on a guard of soldiers to keep anyone from stealing the body. But on that Sunday morning, Jesus rose from the dead, the action of power that none can dispute came only from God the Father. He appeared to Mary, to Peter and the apostles later to 500 at one gathering. At last He stood on a hill and angels watched as He began to ascend into Heaven, as He rose, He said to his apostles, "Go everywhere and tell the good news." Jesus can be your Savior. He wants you to belong to Him. He gave His life for you. He promised to return again. When He returns He wants to take those who love and are obedient to His will to live with Him for all eternity. When He returns He will destroy and condemn to the fires of hell those who do not love Him or have not obeyed His will. Jesus can be your friend, a wonderful loving friend, or he can be the worse enemy you have in all eternity. He wants to help you.


சென்னை: ஐபிஎல் 2021 தொடருக்கான டிரேடிங் விண்டோ திறக்கப்பட்டுள்ள நிலையில் சிஎஸ்கே அணியில் இருந்து முக்கியமான வீரர்கள் நீக்கப்படுவார்கள் அல்லது டிரேட் செய்யப்படுவார்கள் என்று கூறப்படுகிறது.

2021 ஐபிஎல் தொடருக்கான ஏலம் வரும் பிப்ரவரி 11ம் தேதி நடக்கும் என்று கூறப்படுகிறது. இதற்கான ஏற்பாடுகள் நடந்து வருகிறது.

பெரிய அளவில் ஏலம் இல்லை என்றாலும் சிறிய அளவில் ஏலம் நடத்தப்படும் என்று கூறப்படுகிறது. இந்த நிலையில் டிரேடிங் விண்டோ தற்போது திறக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.

டிரேடிங் விண்டோ

டிரேடிங் விண்டோ என்பது ஒரு அணி தங்கள் அணியில் இருக்கும் வீரர்களை விடுவிப்பது ஆனது. இந்த வீரர்களை மற்ற அணிகள் நினைத்தால் வாங்கிக்கொள்ள முடியும். அதேபோல் டிரேடிங் விண்டோ மூலம் மற்ற அணி வெளியேற்றும் வீரர்களை பிற அணிகள் வாங்க முடியும்


வரும் 21ம் தேதி வரை மட்டுமே டிரேடிங் விண்டோ திறக்கப்பட்டு இருக்கும். வீரர்களை வெளியேற்ற வேண்டும் என்றால் அதற்குள் வெளியேற்ற வேண்டும். இந்த ஐபிஎல் தொடரில் சிஎஸ்கே அணிதான் அதிக அளவு வீரர்களை டிரேடிங் விண்டோ மூலம் வெளியேற்றும் என்று கூறுகிறார்கள்


4-5 வீரர்களை சிஎஸ்கே டிரேடிங் விண்டோ மூலம் வெளியேற்றும் என்று கூறுகிறார்கள். ஹர்பஜன், பியூஸ் சாவ்லா, கேதார் ஜாதவ் உள்ளிட்ட மூன்று வீரர்கள் முதல் கட்டமாக டிரேட் செய்யப்படுவார்கள். இன்னும் இரண்டு வெளிநாட்டு வீரர்கள் இதேபோல் டிரேட் செய்யப்பட உள்ளனர்.

இதனால் வெளியேற்றப்படும் 4-5 வீரர்களுக்கு இணையாக 5 வீரர்கள் வரை சிஎஸ்கே அணியில் எடுக்க உள்ளது. ஜனவரி 21ம் தேதிக்குள் இந்த தேர்வை செய்ய வேண்டும். இதனால் சிஎஸ்கே அணியில் பல புதிய வீரர்கள் விரைவில் தேர்வு செய்யப்படுவார்கள் என்று கூறப்படுகிறது.